Power in Postpartum

Craving a fit and pain-free post-partum life?

Say goodbye to

back pain, a squishy tummy, and regain control of your body for once and all!

Get on the waitlist NOW to be a part of the best post-partum program you've been looking for all along!

Be the FIRST to know all the details HERE!

Rachael Van Schoick

Hi, I'm your coach Rachael!

I am a mom of 2 boys who are 3.5yr old and 2 yrs old. I had two very different pregnancies and two different post-partum journeys. One vaginal birth and one emergency c-section and each journey was very different. I know how frustrating your core can be and getting your body to a place where you recognize it and love it again.

So, it has then been my journey to help provide women with the tools and ability to help themselves. Motherhood is a journey of ups and downs, and our bodies don't have to struggle in the ways that we "think" that they do. Being specific in our journey in how move, connect, and create length are so extremely important and I love sharing what I do with women like you!